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School Site Council (SSC) 

School Site Council (SSC) is a peer elected group of 10 that consists of 5 parents/community members, 3 teachers, 1 classified or other employee and the principal.  SSC meets monthly to make decisions and approve expenditures on the school budget and to develop, monitor implementation and evaluate effectiveness of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).  SSC utilizes and considers input from the English Learners' Advisory Committee (ELAC) when making decisions.  All SSC decisions are reported back to ELAC as part of the looping process between the 2 committees.  In addition, SSC provides input and supports administration in making decisions related to instructional programs, parent involvement, school procedures and student safety.  SSC members receive training to support them in their roles and responsibilities and to build their capacity to better support student learning.  Although SSC members are elected, the meetings are open and all parents are encouraged to attend and participate.

 Election Cycle 2023-2024

*All members are nominated and elected by peer groups

*Nomination ballots sent to all parents Aug 21-25

*SSC Elections: Sept 22-26

Council Members 2023-2024

Francine Ramirez, Principal

Michelle Ashe, Teacher

Angelica Gonzalez, Teacher

Michele Morales,Teacher 

Gina Thomas, Other Staff 
Lorena Diaz, Parent

Charnell Jones Parent

Cassandra Hicks, Parent

America Sanchez, Parent 

Mayra Flores, Parent 





SSC Meeting Dates


**All meetings are on Thursdays, at 3:15 pm   

  • September 28  

  • October 19

  • November 16

  • December 7 

  • January 18

  • February 15

  • March 21  

  • April 18

  • May 16